Thursday, October 4, 2012

Banque D'Orient Societe Anonyme - Part 2

Collectible, scarce, Banque D'Orient Societe Anonyme stock

The refugees from Ionia, Cappadocia, the Caucasus, who eventually called for liquidation of the shares held by bank employees heard, especially after 1940 to respond to how the bills had no longer any value. The matter was forgotten. Some grandmothers and grandfathers some from Asia Minor had kept some of those shares in the chests. Others in the lockers until, forty of them appeared suddenly. The holder of the stock is a family from Patras. 

The family took the shares to the National bank of Greece and the bank informs them in September 2010, that the shares hold no value. But, the family didsn't give up. They contacted experts on banking issues and legal and economic factors. 

Theodore Karyotis, professor of economics at the University of Maryland in the U.S., teaches Macroeconomics, International Economic Relations and microeconomics. He evaluated of shares and determined that each share of gold "Bank of East" was now valued at 670 billion, one-and-a-half the current debt of Greece, which amounts to 450 billion. The total value of 40 shares approaching 30 trillion euros. 

The family decided to establish a non-profit organization.

They donated 4 shares to the state. The value of the 4 shares is sufficient to pay the debt of Greece and the accumulated debt to banks for the Greek citizens and the existence of a large reserve for economic growth (at least this is what the family wants).

"Up to now there is no official response to this by the government or any politician and all the major Greek news sites and channels haven't reported this yet."

(Response provided by a fellow expert in the field.


Country: Greece
Years: 1910 &1925
Condition: Excellent

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