Documents with authentic presidential signatures are often a great value per dollar spent. Substantive content letters, for example, can be very expensive. As an added bonus, documents such as military commissions* often contain graphics. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when collecting presidential signatures:
✓ Buy direct from a reputable dealer. This can result in great savings. Auctions, due to high buyers premiums, high reserves, and sometimes dishonesty, can often result in inflated prices paid.
✓ Buying on eBay can be a bad idea. Forgeries often show up on eBay because no oversight built is built into this sales arena.
✓ LaBarre Galleries does not actively deal in clipped signatures. They are mor

* The Graphics and Calligraphy Office (GCO) is a unit of the Social Office at the White House. Located in the East Wing, the Graphics and Calligraphy Office coordinates and produces all non-political social invitations, place cards, presidential proclamations, letters patent, military commissions, and official greetings.
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