Gulf States Utilities Company was incorporated in August, 1925 in Texas to provide electric energy, gas, water and ice to the public. The firm’s first gas-fired electric generating plant, known as the Neches Station, was built on the banks of the Neches River in Beaumont. By the end of the 1920s, Kenneth Sutton, an employee, created the cartoon character Aleck Tricity, a forerunner of syndicated cartoon character Reddy Kilowatt, who appeared in 1928. The company continued to grow throughout the Great Depression and merged with and acquired numerous companies.

By 1975 the firm served more than 400,000 customers in a 28,000 square mile area from southeast Texas to south Louisiana. The company moved to new headquarters in Beaumont’s Edison Plaza office tower in 1979. By the early 1990s the company was an investor-owned public electric-utility company that generated, transmitted and distributed electric power derived from gas, coal and nuclear sources to more than 578,000 customers from central Texas to Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The firm also sold electricity wholesale to municipalities and rural electric cooperatives in both states; supplied steam and electricity to industry; and operated a natural gas retail distribution system that served 85,000 customers. In 1992 Gulf States merged with Entergy Corporation, a utilities company based in New Orleans.
Girl with nude child and bright lamp vignette by American Bank Note. Mixed Purple, Blue, and Red colors. 100 Pieces.
State(s): Texas
Years: 1960s-70s
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