Coupon bonds of this era are generally large and spectacular—American bonds typically measure about 10 by 15 inches—but this one sets new standards on both scores. It is huge, some 16 by 22 inches as shown. Its design and execution by security printers Waterlow & Sons of London are equally impressive, featuring the facsimile seals and signatures of China’s Minister of Posts and Communications and its Minister in Washington.
Bond: China, 1912 £20 5% Bond printed by J. Verschueren, Anvers. Large format. Condition: Excellent! Price upon request.
George H. LaBarre Galleries - Collectible Old Stocks and Bonds and Old Stocks and Bonds
http://www.glabarre.com/ A foreign antique stock and bond company.
From: "The Bonds That Sparked the Chinese Revolution" by Michael Mahler.
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