Cornelius Vanderbilt (1843-1899), Financier, Philanthropist. Asst. Treasurer (1867) of New York & Harlem RR, then President from 1886 until his death. Trustee and benefactor of numerous colleges and universities in New York.
Also signed by son William Kissam Vanderbilt (1849-1920), Chairman of the board of directors of Lake Shore & Michigan Southern RR (1883-1903); President of New York, Chicago and St Louis Railway (1882-87.) Frederick W. Vanderbilt (1856-1938), Capitalist, PH.D from Yale. He worked in every department of his father’s railroad system.
This 1882 $10,000 bond is signed by the three important sons of William H. Vanderbilt. Issued as well to William H. Vanderbilt and also signed by

Chauncey M. Depew. The three sons include Cornelius, and Frederick, signing at back (with moderate hole cancellations). The third son, Wm. K. Vanderbilt signs at front. His signature and Depew’s are superb and untouched by the cancellation holes. Includes 5 matching portraits. Superb! One of the nicest American
autographed bonds ever.
George H. LaBarre Galleries - Collectible Stocks and Bonds.
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