The collection includes many of the largest and most historic railroads. It took 20 years to assemble such an impressive collection. Of course, all are graphic, attractive, and in excellent condition. Several thousand collections are available of these
25 different Railroad Stocks and Bonds.- All Stocks and Bonds are in Extremely Fine or Better Condition
- Many are scarce to rare. Retail values can run as much as $75 or more per piece
- Each Stock or Bond is neatly cancelled and no longer negotiable
- All are engraved by the finest Bank Note companies and are of superb quality
- Most importantly, all are rich in Railroad history, and are fun to collect

A TERRIFIC VALUE! Here is what you get...
- FREE-One Large 11"x17" Album
- Complete Collection of 25 Railroad Stocks and Bonds as listed below
- FREE-25 Descriptive Pages with Histories of these Great Railroads
COMPLETE LIST OF ALL 25 STOCKS - Allegheny & Western, Baltimore & Ohio, Boston & Albany, Boston & Maine, Boston & Providence, Cleveland & Toledo, Delaware, Lackawanna & Western, Erie Railroad, Erie-Lackawanna, Lehigh Valley, Michigan So. & No. Indiana, Missouri Pacific, New York Central, NY, Lackawanna & Western, NY-Elimination of RR Crossings, Old Colony, Penn Central, Pennsylvania RR, Pittsburgh & West Virginia, Providence & Worcester, Reading, Seatrain Lines, Union Pacific, West Shore Railroad, Westinghouse Air Brake.
Price: $399.00
For more information visit our web site,, or call George LaBarre at 1-800-717-9529.
George H. LaBarre Galleries - Collectible Stocks and Bonds and
Old Stocks and Bonds
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