The following information about the 1913 - 5% Reorganisation Gold Loan is reprinted with the permission of author John Thomson
and is taken from his brand new book Historic Foreign Bonds of China.
The Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913 was for the capital sum of £25,000,000. The loan was,
"...authorised by Presidential Order of 22nd April 1913 officially communicated by the Wai Chiao Pu1 to the Ministers in Peking of Great Britain, Germany, France, Russia and Japan."
The newly appointed President of the Republic of China, Y uan Shih Kai, initially approached Britain, France, Germany and United States of America seeking a substantial loan to assist the fledgling government of the Republic of China. Later this group was expanded to include Japan and Russia, but eventually the United States of America withdrew from participation, leaving five countries which agreed to assist the Chinese Government with financial aid.
To view and/or purchase our collection of Chinese Reorganization Gold Loan of 1913 visit our web site, http://www.glabarre.com, or call George LaBarre at 1-800-717-9529.
George H. LaBarre Galleries - Collectible Old Stocks and Bonds and Old Stocks and Bonds
A foreign antique stock and bond company.
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