We are now proud to stock the largest inventory of collectible stocks and bonds in the world…over 6 million pieces! We sell stocks and bonds that range from a dollar to tens of thousands of dollars. We have a fine inventory of coins and paper money, foreign antique stock and bond companies, autographs of famous people, presidential campaign items, and historically important Americana of all kinds.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
What You Need To Know About Stocks and Bonds - Part 1
HISTORY: Financial history is exciting and fun. Stocks and bonds were used in colonial times, early shipping, railroads, throughout the Industrial Revolution, into the automotive age, the Crash of 1929, and all through the past decades of economic growth. We can enjoy this rich history in collecting stocks and bonds. These documents are truly pieces of history and of great educational value.
• ART: Engraved printing of stocks and bonds by American Banknote, Franklin Lee Banknote, International Banknote, etc., are considered serious art. They decorate dens, offices, boardrooms, and corporate headquarter buildings.
• TREASURE HUNTING APPEAL: Collecting stocks and bonds is still so new, one can say “it is still in its infancy.” As a result, there are bargains and little treasures to be found. This is a fresh, new vibrant hobby!
I am the owner of George H LaBarre Galleries, serving collectors and dealers of historic collectible stocks, bonds, autographs, photographs, coins, and currency.
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